What is a forward-thinking leader? A leader that is prepared for change and can adapt when applicable. They use members within the organization to accelerate progress. Active listening and communication with members in the organization lead to growth in a more efficient and collective way. In other words, how do problems become opportunities?
Forward-thinking companies are usually the ones that move ahead. They innovate and are proactive instead of reactive, leading the way within their industry. Optimism is an important trait in this process, seeing those problems as opportunities isn’t easy and you have to be flexible. You also have to be inclusive, make decisions quickly, and evolve while always moving forward. My high school football coach once told me to stop hesitating and make my mistakes moving forward. That word, hesitation, is a big problem in most businesses. Most are scared of making a mistake, or being labeled in some way being associated with failure. FAILURE IS PROGRESS! Do it together, embrace it, learn from it, iterate, and keep it moving!
From the leader's point of view, listening is mandatory. Not just hearing, but understanding the message. This information is necessary, and the stakeholders will tell you how to make the right decision, and quicker. Listen for meaning and check for clarification. A forward thinking leader will then understand the intent and meaning of the message. You have to be present and ignore the noise that’s happening everywhere around you. As a team, being listened to is crucial to morale and growth. One of the main reasons for turnover is a lack of this within a team, and it almost always leads back to the leader.
You hear it all the time, “communication is key”! Well, duh…how else are we going to know what’s going on? It’s deeper than that though, strong communication is a methodology, a set of behaviors that convey the vision, mission and company/team values clearly. If this is not the case, values and motivations may be misaligned and this is not good. Furthermore, a lack of this clarity will certainly diminish your ability to hire top talent. Have an open door policy for your team, allowing them to check in and provide feedback.
Forward-thinking leaders must be optimistic and demonstrate enthusiasm and passion to achieve goals. During difficult times, this will help turn those problems into opportunities. Lead by example! Do you hold yourself to the same standards as you hold your team? Your team is looking to you for guidance, mentorship, and ultimately this is what drives their motivation. Of course, some days are better than others, but this should be a standard operating procedure that is embedded in everything your team does. Positivity is a driving force in team behavior and this always starts with the leader. Behavioral science tells us that focusing on the positives by providing feedback, modeling wanted behaviors, and encouragement will absolutely increase employee engagement and satisfaction.
Be an innovator! Organizational and personal visions change over time and making these iterations can help maintain energy and passion within the team. Document the past experiences and make those a learning tool for your team, often referring to them for measured progress. Encourage your team to be aware of the progress, but always look for new and innovative ways to solve problems. This will increase the value of the individual members on the team. Remember, the only constant is change and those problems are opportunities, so go far together!
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